Am I Next? James Bond Destroyed by Political Correctness, Loss of Value and Values.

People are seriously asking themselves why a quintessential alpha-male like James Bond cannot be played by a woman. James Bond is a character who inhabits a time when there was a bright line between good and evil, right and wrong and an overarching patriotic duty to one’s country. His savoir-faire in handling danger while wooing beautiful women and vanquishing evil men is legendary. And yet, there are people who see the character of James Bond as a product of white privilege, misogyny, bigotry and project the world’s social ills on a fictitious character. 

As a book-reading Ian Fleming/James Bond fan, I find that the cinema-based story is giving way to spectacular special effects and gadgetry. The struggle between good and evil is becoming routine and cartoonish. But allowing a woman to play James or Jane Bond would severely destroy the value of the Bond franchise in the name of political correctness. 

If one wants a James Bond-like character that happens to be a woman, let them look at the role of Emma Peel so ably played by Dianna Rigg in the Avengers. Let these people create their own characters rather than sacrifice iconic characters to political correctness.

The same can be said of those whose target demographic is mostly male between the ages of 18-34 and who find themselves being pressured to turn strong male characters into metrosexuals to satisfy a tiny number of extremely vocal agitators and activists. Bond was portrayed as a gentleman with impeccable manners, a comprehensive knowledge of food, wine, and a world traveler at home anywhere in the world. In essence, Cary Grant with a gun. 

There might be something said for “refreshing a character” through dress and accessories – but one does not just dilute the battle between good and evil in an attempt to socially engineer the acceptance of minorities and outsiders in some twisted example of moral equivalence, multiculturalism, or political correctness. One look at the iconic Bond in a dress and it becomes a blurred, featureless parody of the real deal.

Keep an eye open to the type of political correctness dilutes the value of iconic properties and destroys jobs in the process. 


Snowflakes, is the pejorative term used by the mainstream media to describe overly-sensitive young adults whose sensibilities are easily offended by even the most innocent of acts.  Using a state of perpetual outrage as a social signaling mechanism to demonstrate their virtue and adherence to the cause. Don't bother asking what cause, because they are usually unable to articulate their grievance or provide real-world examples. If anything, they go along to get along, and it is more important to fit in with the crowd, than think for themselves.

What this can mean for mixed-race, mixed-sex, and mixed-age workplaces is a increased potential for racial and sexual behavior that would be laughed off by the previous generation. Unfortunately, claims of racial or sexual harassment are taken very seriously by most companies and even an innocent remark can be a career killer, or if not a career killer, a roadblock to advancement. All this grief because a snowflake was outraged.

Since the new definition of child extends to 26 years-old under federal insurance guidelines, one needs to be wary of the over privileged and oversensitive children who appear to have never experienced real life or have grown beyond Twitter news and propaganda. Quite unlike the young men and women who proudly serve our military without complaint.

Interesting, in real life snowflakes, are different and unique, in the politically correct world, they are all the same and march to the same drummer. Go figure.

Be careful how you behave and think about what you are about to say -- even more important when political climate change indicates snow.

Are you asking yourself, Am I Next?

Am I Next? Job Loss,  Political Correctness Snowflakes