The Politics of Tariffs

First, no matter what the think tanks, pundits, and the government may say, we do not have multi-national or even national free trade or fair trade in this nation. 

What is a tariff?

Technically, a tariff is a government-imposed regulatory device meant to regulate transactions between two parties when some real or imagined inequality or inequity occurs. Therefore, a tariff is nothing more than a tax or fee to be paid on a particular class of imports or exports. 

In reality, a tariff is a tax on the end user who knowingly or unknowingly finds that any tax burden imposed on their purchases is included in the final cost of their purchase. Thus, while tariffs are applied to corporations, they ultimately are paid by the consumer.

Am I Next? Politics of Tariffs

In addition to tariffs as taxes, quotas and tax-free shopping may be considered as another type of tariff with more subtle effects. The goal is to create artificial scarcity and drive the price of the foreign product upward to advantage the domestic producers.and

Why do we use tariffs?

Tariffs are a political device that artificially restricts the importation of goods purchased from foreign (non-domestic) producers with the goal of making these goods less price-attractive to corporations and consumers to convey an advantage o the domestic producer. This advantage can be neutral to achieve equivalence with foreign pricing or advantageous to convey supremacy to the domestic producer.

One, tariffs are imposed nationally or internationally to regulate trade so that one party cannot exert systemic supremacy over another. 

Two, tariffs are imposed to redress currency manipulation where one nation maintains an artificially low currency conversion rate to encourage consumers and corporations to buy goods which appear cheaper than those offered domestically. 

Three, tariffs might be imposed to redress the systemic institutional theft of intellectual property which allows manufacturers to avoid the tremendous costs of research and development and pass the cost savings along to consumers as lower prices.

Some examples: 

A primary example would be goods manufactured in a nation with low labor costs and sold for at a lower price in a nation with higher labor costs. Since the higher-cost producer cannot effectively compete in the marketplace, they are forced to innovate new products, reduce their labor costs through automation, expert systems, and robotics; outsource production; or go out of business. 

Another example would be a nation subsidizing some portion of manufacturing, labor, or currency translation costs of a  manufacturer which allows the manufacturer to dump their goods in another nation at a substantially lower price, thus forcing domestic producers to take affirmative action to remain competitive.

Sometimes domestic tariffs are used to protect obsolete and failing business models from legitimate competition. Hence we see commodity goods such as telephone and cable services being sold at premium prices by deliberately designed complexity which creates confusion in the packaging (bundling) of services which permits higher prices.

And, then there is the government's desire to impose taxes on the population in such a manner as to hide them from those taxed. If the government did not collect these taxes in small increments in utility taxes, at the gas pump, or embedded in large luxury purchases, and presented a tax bill at the end of the year -- the populace would revolt and throw most of the politicians out of office.

The current situation.

There is no doubt in my mind that China is a low-cost labor source, having a 900 million person workforce (compared with approximately 140 million in the United States)that works at what Americans might consider slave-labor wages. 

There is no doubt in my mind that China manipulates their currency to ensure that Chinese purchases are cheaper than their corresponding American counterparts.

There is no doubt in my mind that China engages in both governmental and commercial espionage to gain an unfair advantage for their military and commercial ventures.

The possibilities of a trade war?

If one nation retaliates against another, it is most likely the response will be tariffs imposed on that nation's goods; resulting in a death-spiral of tariffs and quotas that may benefit domestic producers in the short- and medium-term, but may be overly oppressive to the consumer who may shop in big-box stores like Walmart, Costco, etc. and have come to rely on lower prices.

Who is hurt?

While the case is made that domestic producers (and their employees) benefit from tariffs and quotas, it is the end consumer that always pays the price. With a disproportionate impact on the poor who have managed their meager budgets using the lower costs goods available in the marketplace.

The Retail Council of Canada claims that an increase in the duty-free allowance for cross-border shopping from $20 to $800 would lead to hundreds of thousands of job losses and cut billions of dollars from the Canadian economy. In this case, common sense reveals that is not so much about jobs since most of the purchases come from sources in the United States, but a loss of tax revenue for a cash-strapped government. <Source>

Am I Next? Jobs Lost to Tariff on China Solar Products

Another example comes from the Trump Administration's decision to redress artificially low-priced Chinese solar panels, components, and electronics by imposing a 30% tariff on solar products. According to various sources, this may cost the solar industry approximately 23,000 jobs and slow the adoption of clean green energy. Little is being said about the costs to consumers or the government tax revenue windfall.  

Ironically, the second thing subject to the Administration's tariffs was large washing machines. South Korea and Mexico may be among the biggest losers from the tariffs because those countries export the bulk of washers to the United States. Much of the washer production in the two countries comes from Samsung and LG, both South Korean companies. 

Bottom line ...

Tariffs drive political corruption, more massive administrative bureaucracies, and the automation of the workforce. There are no real winners as self-correcting market forces are abridged and inefficient and ineffective government central planning reigns supreme.

Something to watch as an employee if your company operates in tariff-covered industries or depends on lower foreign material and production costs to maintain profit margins.


Am I Next? Layoffs at Arcelor-Mittal Foreign Steel Dumping, Tariffs.


The company has announced that it will be laying of 877 employees at its East Chicago, Indiana plant.

The decision was driven by the reduced demand for the company’s steel products due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the overall economic depression.


Commencing on August 1, 2020, the company is planning to layoff 425 employees at its Cleveland, Ohio integrated steelmaking mill on indefinite layoff.

"Due to additional and unforeseen deterioration in the market for our products, the Company is now required to institute indefinite layoffs of represented employees and certain terminations among salaried, unrepresented employees.

"We expect that these layoffs will be indefinite, and we cannot predict their duration at this time, although we now expect that they will last longer than six (6) months.


The company has announced the layoff of an estimated 100 employees at its tin plate mill located in Weirton, West Virginia.

According to a company spokesperson, the decision was in response to changing market conditions including reduced crop production and canning activities.

Original Post…

Once again the debate over steel imports comes to the forefront as ArcelorMittal announces the layoff of 150 positions in its Conshohocken, Pennsylvania mill claiming declining revenues brought about by unfair foreign competition.

Management has looked to Washington, D.C. to solve part of its problems by instituting protective tariffs to protect domestic worker’s jobs from unfair competition in the form of dumping where steel and steel products are sold below their production costs and at an artificially low price.

However, some economists point to the alternative benefits to be found in the redistribution of jobs as lower government infrastructure costs offset the loss of jobs in the steel industry with increases in jobs related to the build-out of government infrastructure.

Others point out the obvious, that any tariff imposed on steel importation is simply an additional tax on the American people, in the form of higher prices or the tariffs being paid ultimately by the end user. Of course, government loves tariffs which they pocket and use for their special interest projects or to purchase additional political support by directing the construction of projects in their own political districts or states.  

The Trump Administration has promised to bring steel production and jobs back to America, somewhat hypocritically as Trump used foreign construction materials in his skyscrapers precisely because it was cheaper. And, in many cases, used pre-stressed concrete instead of steel in his buildings. And, it should not be forgotten that America’s domestic inability to produce sufficient steel for military applications can be a national defense issue.

But the problems faced by the steel industry are not limited to price protections. The declining use of steel itself is a major issue as new composite carbon-fiber materials are lighter and stronger than steel. Global over-capacity, especially in nations without strict environmental controls, is another major issue. And, let us not forget the ongoing standardization of steel specifications allowing for online business-to-business bidding, the increasing use of robotics in dangerous environments and the on-demand pre-processing of steel products using expert machine-guided tools also translates into fewer steelworkers.

Steel will remain a significant structural component, but it appears that the days of the well-paid, unionized steelworker may have gone the way of the well-paid worker in the automotive industry, one of steel’s largest customers.

Change is coming. There will always be a tomorrow, no matter how much you may try to ignore it. There are no guarantees in life, or promises for a bright future. Just because something bad hasn't happened yet, doesn't mean it won't. It can happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere. No one is guaranteed to wake up tomorrow and still have a job by evening. Are you now wondering, Am I Next?