There is little doubt in anyone’s mind that the use of the internet has forever changed the way businesses advertise and interact with their audience and prospects.
Basically, I was searching for the details of a horrific local motorcycle accident involving a friend of a friend. Along with the original local news references, I was surprised to find that a number of personal injury attorney websites had scraped the news and were ranking almost as high as the original source.
From my search results, it appears that personal injury attorneys have found a clever way to insert their names in a high-ranking, keyword-rich search environment targeted at potential clients and subtly solicit the injured, the injured’s family members, or friends of the victim who are searching for details of that particular accident or victim.
Perhaps this same technique can be used to attract visitors to your site and increase your own search engine rankings?
You may wish to dedicate an inside web page to keyword-rich timely news items with an easy-navigation header that explains and exposes the rest of your website.