Am I Next? Vaccine decision-making.

We are seeing significant pressure on individuals and organizations to conform to the political dictates of the day.

Some organizations are threatening to fire or otherwise penalize individuals who do not have proof of vaccination.

The constitutionality of a government mandate or the legality of any organization demanding you place your life in jeopardy from medication side effects as a condition of employment is questionable. Especially when the medicine has a conditional or emergency use government permit.

While the scientific evidence of efficiency and efficacy may be contradictory, there is a prudent path for individuals. Discuss the matter with your personal physician who knows your condition, medications, and can consider the side effects and make an informed recommendation.

It is your life. The risk you are willing to assume is the key to decision-making. Much like accepting the risk of crossing a street, driving, or flying. If you are in a high-risk cohort, the decision becomes easier as your choices are well-defined.

Disease rates are meaningless as they vary with the number of tests administered and how the statistics are massaged. Hospitalizations and death rates are interesting, but unless they are stratified by age and condition, they may not be informative.

Vaccine Efficacy is how the vaccine behaves in controlled trials and is the percentage reduction of a disease in a group of individuals

Vaccine Effectiveness is how the vaccine behaves in the real world where factors beyond those found in controlled trials such as underlying chronic illness, age, other medications taken, storage of vaccines, and more can alter the effectiveness in widespread uncontrolled usage.

Wishing you good health, the primary key to fully enjoying life.

Change is coming. There will always be a tomorrow, no matter how much you may try to ignore it. There are no guarantees in life or promises for a bright future. Just because something bad hasn't happened yet, doesn't mean it won't. It can happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere. No one is guaranteed to wake up tomorrow and still have a job by evening. Are you now wondering, Am I Next?