Meridian, Idaho-based Blue Cross of Idaho, a not-for-profit mutual health insurance holding company, has announced a reduction in force following the loss of an Idaho Department of Health and Welfare dual-eligible Medicare/Medicaid program contract to UnitedHealthcare and Molina Healthcare.

The contractual catastrophe will impact 135 employees, with separation scheduled for the contract to end in June 2025.

According to a company spokesperson, “Unfortunately, the loss of this program will require us to reduce our workforce, specifically the 135 employees directly related to the care of the dual population. This is a decision no one at the company takes lightly and is in no way a reflection of the quality of work and care accomplished by these employees. They have and will continue to support the duals members with dedication and compassion in the wake of the state's decision."

“This workforce action comes down to the need to ensure that Blue Cross of Idaho continues to be a financially sustainable company, given the loss of this line of business and the resulting changes in membership and revenue.”

Change is coming. There will always be a tomorrow, no matter how much you may try to ignore it. There are no guarantees in life or promises for a bright future. We see good people being laid off through no fault of their own. Just because something terrible hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it won't. It can happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere. No one is guaranteed to wake up tomorrow and still have a job by evening. While many employees can read the writing on the wall, why do most assume it’s targeted at someone else? Are you now wondering, Am I Next?